Dr. 李·安·斯波恩

从保罗·史密斯开始: 2003


Development of non-invasive methods for molecular analyses of environmental samples and wildlife samples. 绘画.


PhD, Toxicology, Univerrsity of Rochester BS, 生物学/ Biochemistry, University of Rochester


2000       谢瑞金,Patricia J. 辛普森-海达里萨,维克多·J. David J . Mardera. 西尔弗曼和李·安·斯波恩. Post-transcriptional regulation of endothelial cell plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression during R. rickettsii感染. 微生物发病机制28:127-133. 2000       萨尼,.贝克·C.A.斯波恩·L.A.弗朗西斯·C.W. Fibrinogen and fibrin protect fibroblast growth factor-2 from proteolytic degradation. 血栓和止血[j]. 1999       Abha Sahni, 李·安·斯波恩和Charles W. 弗朗西斯. Potentiation of Endothelial Cell Proliferation by Fibrin(ogen)-bound Fibroblast Growth Factor-2. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274, 14936-14941. 1999       (Sanjeev K. Sahni, Loel C. 特平,特雷西·L. 布朗和李·安·斯波恩. Involvement of Protein Kinase C in Rickettsia rickettsii-Induced Transcriptional Activation of the Host Endothelial Cell. 感染与免疫67:6418-6423 1998       李·安·斯波恩,维克多·J. 玛德和德尼莎. 瓦格纳. Inducible secretion of large, biologically potent von Willebrand factor multimers. 细胞46:185 - 190. 1998       黎明R. 瑞秋·克利夫顿. Goss, (Sanjeev K. Sahni, Daniel van Antwerp, Raymond B. Baggs, Victor J. 马德尔,大卫·J. 西尔弗曼和李·安·斯波恩. NF-κB-dependent inhibition of apoptosis is essential for host cell survival during Rickettsia rickettsii感染 , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95:4646-4651 1998       史瑞金,Patricia J. 辛普森-海达里斯,诺玛·B. 维克多·J·勒纳. 马德尔,大卫·J. 西尔弗曼和李·安·斯波恩. Transcriptional Regulation of Endothelial Cell Tissue Factor Expression during Rickettsia rickettsii Infection: Involvement of the Transcription Factor NF-B. 感染与免疫66:1070-1075. 1998       (Sanjeev K. 丹尼尔·J·萨尼. 范·安特卫普,玛丽娜E. David J . Eremeeva. 维克多·西尔弗曼. 马德尔和李·安·斯波恩. Proteasome-Independent Activation of Nuclear Factor B in Cytoplasmic Extracts from Human Endothelial Cells by Rickettsia rickettsii. 感染与免疫66:1827-1833. 1997       G Guadiz, LA Sporn, RA Goss, SO Lawrence, VJ Marder and PJ Simpson-Haidaris. Polarized secretion of fibrinogen by lung epithelial cells. American Journal of Cell and Respiratory 生物学 17: 60-69. 1997       Gayle Guadiz, 李·安·斯波恩, and Patricia J. Simpson-Haidaris. Thrombin Cleavage-Independent Deposition of Fibrinogen in Extracellular Matrices. 血90:2644-2653. 1997       LA Sporn, SK Sahni, NB Lerner, VJ Marder, DJ Silverman, LC Turpin and AL Schwab. Rickettsia rickettsii感染 of cultured human endothelial cells induces NF-kappaB activation. 感染与免疫65:2786-2791. 1997       默罕默德·F. Kiani, Bruce M. 芬顿,李·安·斯波恩和迪特马·W. Siemann. Effects of ionizing radiation on the adhesive interaction of human tumor and endothelial cells in vitro. 中国ical and Experimental Metastasis 15: 12-18. 1996       Tatjana米. Odrljin; Charles W. 弗朗西斯; 李·安·斯波恩; Leslie A. Bunce; Victor J. Marder; Patricia J. Simpson-Haidaris. Heparin-Binding Domain of Fibrin Mediates Its Binding to Endothelial Cells. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular 生物学 16:1544-1551. 1996       LA Sporn和VJ Marder. Interleukin-1 alpha production during Rickettsia rickettsii感染 of cultured endothelial cells: potential role in autocrine cell stimulation. 感染与免疫64:1609-1613. 1996       MA Courtney, PJ Haidaris, VJ Marder and LA Sporn. Tissue factor mRNA expression in the endothelium of an intact umbilical vein. 《宝盈bbin官方网站》87:174-179. 1996       Shi RJ, Simpson-Haidaris PJ, Marder VJ, Silverman DJ斯波恩·LA. Increased expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in R. 立克次体感染的内皮细胞. 1:血栓出血. 75: 600-6. 1995       LA Sporn, LA Bunce和CW 弗朗西斯. Cell proliferation on fibrin: modulation by fibrinopeptide cleavage. 86: 1802-1810. 1994       LA Sporn, PJ Haidaris, RJ Shi, Y Nemerson, DJ Silverman and VJ Marder. Rickettsia rickettsii感染 of cultured human endothelial cells induces tissue factor expression. 血83:1527-1534. 1994       M Hamaguchi, LA Bunce, LA Sporn and CW 弗朗西斯. Plasmic degradation of fibrin rapidly decreases platelet adhesion and spreading. 《宝盈bbin官方网站》84:1143-1150. 1993       LA Sporn, SO Lawrence, DJ Silverman and VJ Marder. E-selectin-dependent neutrophil adhesion to Rickettsia rickettsii- infected endothelial cells. 血液81:2406-2412. 1993       M Hamaguchi, LA Bunce, LA Sporn and CW 弗朗西斯. Spreading of platelets on fibrin is mediated by the amino terminus of the beta chain including peptide beta 15-42. 血液81:2348-2356. 1992       李·安·斯波恩和托马斯·H. 福斯特. Photofrin and Light Induces Microtubule Depolymerization in Cultured Human Endothelial Cells. 癌症研究52,3443-3448. 1991       托马斯H. 福斯特,梅丽莎·C. Primavera, Victor J. 马德,罗素·希尔夫和李·安·斯波恩. Photosensitized Release of von Willebrand Factor from Cultured Human Endothelial Cells. 癌症研究51:3261-3266. 1991       LA Sporn, RJ Shi, SO Lawrence, DJ Silverman and VJ Marder. Rickettsia rickettsii感染 of cultured endothelial cells induces release of large von Willebrand factor multimers from Weibel-Palade bodies. 血液78:2595-2602. 1990       JH Peters, LA Sporn, MH Ginsberg and DD 瓦格纳. 人内皮细胞合成, 过程, and secrete fibronectin molecules bearing an alternatively spliced type III homology (ED1). Blood 75: 1801-1808. 1989       LA Sporn, VJ Marder和DD 瓦格纳. Differing polarity of the constitutive and regulated secretory pathways for von Willebrand factor in endothelial cells. 细胞生物学杂志108:1283-1289. 1989       PJ Haidaris, CW 弗朗西斯, LA Sporn, DS Arvan, FA Collichio and VJ Marder. Megakaryocyte and hepatocyte origins of human fibrinogen biosynthesis exhibit hepatocyte-specific expression of gamma chain-variant polypeptides. 《宝盈bbin官方网站》74:743-750. 1987       D D 瓦格纳, P J Fay, L A Sporn, S Sinha, S O Lawrence, and V J Marder. Divergent fates of von Willebrand factor and its propolypeptide (von Willebrand antigen II) after secretion from endothelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 84: 1955-1959. 1987       LA Sporn, VJ Marder和DD 瓦格纳. von Willebrand factor released from Weibel-Palade bodies binds more avidly to extracellular matrix than that secreted constitutively. 69: 1531-1534. 1986       李·安·斯波恩,维克多·J. Marder和Denisa D. 瓦格纳. Inducible secretion of large, biologically potent von Willebrand factor multimers. 细胞46:185 - 190. 1985       李·安·斯波恩,斯蒂芬·斯波恩. 查文,维克多·J. Marder和Denisa D. 瓦格纳. Biosynthesis of von Willebrand Protein by Human Megakaryocytes. J. 中国. 投资. 76: 1102-1106. 1984       LA Sporn, P Rubin, VJ Marder和DD 瓦格纳. Irradiation induces release of von Willebrand protein from endothelial cells in culture. 《宝盈bbin官方网站》64:567-570.

Dr. 李·安·斯波恩


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